AM_AB11.ZIP 284,555 04-12-96 Universal Address/Phone Book v1.1 forWindows. Fast and easy. For beginners andadvanced users. Unlimited number ofentries, automatically sorted (by anyfield), searching, modem dialing, printingenvelope, more.
AM_PB43.ZIP 213,916 04-06-96 Phone Book v4.3 for Windows. Use at home orbusiness. Includes fields for name,addresses, two phone numbers, fax, andcomments. Unlimited number of entries,automatically sorted. Searching, modemdialing, export/import, m
ASSETS.ZIP 374,509 05-23-96 Asset Tracker for MS Access. MDP add-ontracks the location, value, and status ofpersonal or company assets. User-definablefilters allow viewing and reporting ofassets by department, location, assignee ortype.
CONVR605.ZIP 88,876 05-31-96 Convert v6.05. Converts between dataformats: FROM dBase, ASCII-delimited(typically commas between fields and quotesaround strings), and fixed field TO LotusWKS, ASCII-delimited, dBase, and fixedfield. Freeware.
DASDEMOW.ZIP 216,832 05-06-96 DAS Clarion Toolbox for Windows - Demo.
DASSECDW.ZIP 686,684 05-09-96 DAS Clarion Security Toolbox for Windows -Demo.
EB106A.ZIP 1,170,996 04-26-96 EasyBase v10.6. First true RapidApplication Development System to beavailable as Shareware. Createsophisticated, menu driven applications inrecord time. Applications written can besold as stand-alone programs with the
FILC160A.ZIP 473,901 04-17-96 Your File Cabinet v1.60a for Windows.Application and file utility that usesfolders that each have a variety offeatures. Several folders haveuser-configurable buttons, one has 18 ofthe most popular Windows applets.
INFO1095.ZIP4,617,776 04-05-96 INFO for Win 95. The place to storeaddresses, phone numbers, fax numbers,E-mail addresses and things to do.
LOTSMAP.ZIP 129,852 04-06-96 Example map file produced by Lotus 123 rel.5.
MINIBSE1.ZIP 91,159 04-01-96 MiniBase v1.1. Small database utility thatcan be called from the DOS command prompt.Great for finding phone #'s, birthdays, etc.
MMAID40.ZIP 150,396 05-28-96 Mermaid v4.0. User tool for viewing,searching, sorting, and manipulatingdBase/xBase files. Very comprehensivesearching facilities etc.
MUSIFIND.ZIP 347,604 05-17-96 MusiFind for Windows. Music CollectionLibrarian. Find what you're looking for,quickly and easily.
PETMT40.ZIP 254,920 06-04-96 Peter's Many Things v4.0 for Windows.Manage scraps of information. Views,including Topic and Date. Small window foreasy data copy/paste. Group paste, copy,delete, print. Keyboard macros. Short list.
PSACR27.ZIP 1,113,677 04-01-96 PSA Cards v2.7 for Win 3.1. An elegantinterface for storing names, addresses andphone numbers. Looks like a card file andworks like a card file. Just click on atab or card to access it. Print Rolodexcards, envelopes,
PSANT27.ZIP 1,169,702 04-01-96 PSA Cards v2.7 for Win 95/NT. An elegantinterface for storing names, addresses andphone numbers. Looks like a card file andworks like a card file. Just click on atab or card to access it. Print Rolodexcards, envelope
QUIZMGR.ZIP 217,961 05-23-96 QuizMaster for MS-Access for Windows. Keepa database of questions for the purpose ofcreating quizzes of various types. Over 750questions are included. This can be usefulfor newsletter publishers or party planners.
ROLO2095.ZIP 319,103 06-01-96 Rolodeck Electronic Card File v2.0 for Win95/NT. Electronically organize your cardfile. Search, list, sort, and print arejust a few of the functions. Additionallyyou can print and address book, or makeenvelopes and l
SETUP_OS.ZIP 152,035 05-15-96 Object Server Engine offers RISQL (ReducedInstruction SQL) language interface to thisnew db-storage technology. ObjectServerautomatically maintains a search structurefor every field in the database and therebyavoids u
TAPEM40B.ZIP 306,084 04-12-96 TapeMaker v4.0b for Windows. Unique programfor maintaining a database of your musiccollection and printing cassette inserts.It lets you customize the informationstored in the database to fit your needs.
VIDMW230.ZIP1,048,265 05-12-96 VideoMaster v2.30 for Windows <ASP> Videocataloging & labeling system that has theMOST flexibility for users. Standardentries, 3 user defined/ named fields, plusa Synopsis of up to 2000 lines. 4 labelstyles/sizes.
VLT32.ZIP 370,193 04-21-96 Vault 32 for Win 95/NT. Stores yourinformation as an outline. Organizes yourinformation into categories andsub-categories that you specify. Vault'ssearch command finds the information youneed instantly.
VSPELL.ZIP 327,160 04-08-96 VSpell - is a spell-checking add-on forVisio.
WRKBENCH.ZIP 111,852 05-23-96 Access Developers WorkBench. Access add-onprovides a place for programmers to keeptools and short cuts while working onprojects. Each time the program isactivated, it builds a mirror image of theMSYSOBJECT table of th